Highway Projects
Northern Marmara Highway (3rd Bosphorus Bridge) Project Kınalı-Odayeri (Connection Roads Included) Segment Design with BOT Model,Operation and Devolution Malatya-Gölbaşı Distinction-Hekimhan-16. munç bor. of Section-2 Highway Km 53 + 100 + 570-103 Road Tunnel and Road Landslide Geotechnical Evaluations Azerbaijan Baku–Shamakhi–Muganli Road Geological-Geotechnical Evaluations Azerbaijan Alat-Astara Highway Jalilabad-Shorsulu Section (Km:80+600-110+700) Geotechnical Evaluations of Outline and Structures Azerbaijan Alat-Astara Highway Masalli and Jalilabad Section Geotechnical Evaluations of Outline and Structures Siirt-Eruh State Highway Project Geotechnical Evaluation of Road Landslides Kemerhisar - Pozantı Motorway Nigde And Kemerhisar Included Access Road (Section-7) Golcuk Access Road Site Investigations and Geotechnical Evaluations Zonguldak – Ereğli (2B) Highway Landslide Geotechnical Evaluation Devrek – Zonguldak Karabük Highway Landslides Geotechnical Research - Geotechnical Evaluation of Pavement Deformation Problems Gokova – Marmaris Highway Lanslides Geotechnical Investigation and Improvement Projects Azerbaijan Hajiqabul-Horadiz Highway Projects Rehabiliton of Section 1: Hajiqabul Bulagli - Section 2: Bulagli - Bahramtepe Geotechnical Evaluation Siirt-Zarova Bridge Foundation Design Dilimli Tunnel and Portal Slope Design Artvin-Erzurum Federal way Berta, Budan, Akarsın, Sengan Viaduct Anchorage Project Blacksea Coast road Cayeli - Ardesen - Hopa Section Kıyıcık Site Gungoren Village Landslide Prevention Project Ankara-Çankaya Saltoğlu Boulevard(Km:0+400-0+700) Geotechnical Investigation and Highway Rehabiliton Projects Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial Zone, Consultancy Service of Road Construction Works 2nd Organized Industrial Zone, Retaining Wall Project Kandahar-Heart Highway Geotechnical Evaluation Report Asi River Suçatı Bridge Piled Foundation Project Birecik-Suruç Motorway Slope Stability Analysis Bozüyük – Mekece Highway, Kocatepe Tunnel Portal Cut Slopes Slope Stability Imp. Project Azerbaijan Alyat-Muhammad  Highway Investigation and Remediation of Deformations in Superstructure Kabil-Kandahar Highway Bridges Site İnvestigations (6 Bridges) Afyon Highway Junction Bridges Geotechnical Evaluation Report TEFER Eastern Black Sea Flood Protection Project Geotechnical Consultancy Birecik Şanlıurfa Motorway Slope Stabilization Improvement Project Black Sea Coastal Highway, Hopa-Sarp Landslide Improvement Project İzmit – Yalova Highway Soil Improvement Projects (Jet Grout) Düzce – Akçakoca Highway- Landslide Investigation and Improvement Projects (in 4 sites) Kemerihisar-Pozantı Hıghway Geotechnical Consultancy