Highway Projects
Northern Marmara Highway (3rd Bosphorus Bridge) Project Kınalı-Odayeri (Connection Roads Included) Segment Design with BOT Model,Operation and Devolution
Malatya-Gölbaşı Distinction-Hekimhan-16. munç bor. of Section-2 Highway Km 53 + 100 + 570-103 Road Tunnel and Road Landslide Geotechnical Evaluations
Azerbaijan Baku–Shamakhi–Muganli Road Geological-Geotechnical Evaluations
Azerbaijan Alat-Astara Highway Jalilabad-Shorsulu Section (Km:80+600-110+700) Geotechnical Evaluations of Outline and Structures
Azerbaijan Alat-Astara Highway Masalli and Jalilabad Section Geotechnical Evaluations of Outline and Structures
Siirt-Eruh State Highway Project Geotechnical Evaluation of Road Landslides
Kemerhisar - Pozantı Motorway Nigde And Kemerhisar Included Access Road (Section-7) Golcuk Access Road Site Investigations and Geotechnical Evaluations
Zonguldak – Ereğli (2B) Highway Landslide Geotechnical Evaluation
Devrek – Zonguldak Karabük Highway Landslides Geotechnical Research - Geotechnical Evaluation of Pavement Deformation Problems
Gokova – Marmaris Highway Lanslides Geotechnical Investigation and Improvement Projects
Azerbaijan Hajiqabul-Horadiz Highway Projects Rehabiliton of Section 1: Hajiqabul Bulagli - Section 2: Bulagli - Bahramtepe Geotechnical Evaluation
Siirt-Zarova Bridge Foundation Design
Dilimli Tunnel and Portal Slope Design
Artvin-Erzurum Federal way Berta, Budan, Akarsın, Sengan Viaduct Anchorage Project
Blacksea Coast road Cayeli - Ardesen - Hopa Section Kıyıcık Site Gungoren Village Landslide Prevention Project
Ankara-Çankaya Saltoğlu Boulevard(Km:0+400-0+700) Geotechnical Investigation and Highway Rehabiliton Projects
Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial Zone, Consultancy Service of Road Construction Works
2nd Organized Industrial Zone, Retaining Wall Project
Kandahar-Heart Highway Geotechnical Evaluation Report
Asi River Suçatı Bridge Piled Foundation Project
Birecik-Suruç Motorway Slope Stability Analysis
Bozüyük – Mekece Highway, Kocatepe Tunnel Portal Cut Slopes Slope Stability Imp. Project
Azerbaijan Alyat-Muhammad Highway Investigation and Remediation of Deformations in Superstructure
Kabil-Kandahar Highway Bridges Site İnvestigations (6 Bridges)
Afyon Highway Junction Bridges Geotechnical Evaluation Report
TEFER Eastern Black Sea Flood Protection Project Geotechnical Consultancy
Birecik Şanlıurfa Motorway Slope Stabilization Improvement Project
Black Sea Coastal Highway, Hopa-Sarp Landslide Improvement Project
İzmit – Yalova Highway Soil Improvement Projects (Jet Grout)
Düzce – Akçakoca Highway- Landslide Investigation and Improvement Projects (in 4 sites)
Kemerihisar-Pozantı Hıghway Geotechnical Consultancy
Railway Projects
Ankara-İzmir High Speed Train Project Eşme - Salihli Section Infrastructure Construction Geotechnical Evaluations
Reconstruction of Sincan-Ankara-Kayaş Line (Başkentray) Sincan West Railway Lines Geotechnical Evaluations
AKM - Kızılay (M4) Metro Line Construction and Electromec.Systems Supply, Installation and Commissioning Works Geotechnical Engineering Services
Konya-Karaman (102 km) Between Stations of the Double Line Making the Outline and Structures Geotechnical Evaluations
Kayseri Northern Railway Project Geotechnical Evaluation of Outline and Structures
Ankara-Sivas Railway Project Kırıkkale-Yerkoy Cross (Section-2) Infrastructure Cut-Fill Slope, Bridge-Viaduct Basic Geotechnical Projects
Gökçedağ - Nusrat Cross Station about 110 km. Renewal of Road Construction Line (Km 125 + 900-235 + 900) Geotechnical Evaluation Projects
Balıkesir-Kütahya Line (Current Line) Geolocigal - Geotechnical Evaluation of Excavation Slopes
Köseköy-Gebze High Speed Train ways Rehabiliton Projects and Geotechnical Consusltancy
Tandoğan-Keçiören Metro Line Box Section Structures Excavation Sheeting Systems Optimisation Project
Geotechnical Reports of Embankments, Ground Improvement, Cuts, Bridge-Viaduct Foundations of Yerköy-Yozgat-Sivas Section of Ankara-Sivas High Speed Railway Project
Port Projects
Filyos Port Dock and Back Field Construction Slope Stability Application Design and Geotechnical Evaluations
Zonguldak-Çaycuma Filyos Port Construction Geological and Geotechnical Evaluations of Rock Quarry Area
Çandarlı (North Aegean) Port Revetment and Pile Jetty Construction Sea Floor Landslide Geotechnical Evaluation
Çanakkale Port Geotechnical Evaluation Reports
Housing - Building - Industrial Complexes Projects
TUSAŞ Composite Production Building and Auxiliary Facilities Construction Works Building Ground Evaluations
Ankara High Speed Train Station Complex Geotechnical Evaluation of Soil Improvement
Cayeli Copper Mine Deformation Problems Geotechnical Evaluation and Solution Projects
Dikmen Waste Water Rehabilitation Project, Tunnel Portal Cut Slopes Slope Stability Imp. Project
Elazığ Mehmet Koloğlu High School Geotechnical Evaluation Report
Van Çaldıran Police Station Report
Antalya Beldibi Holiday Village Geotechnical Consultancy
Energy Projects
Manisa-Soma Thermal Power Plant Project Course Kolin Coal and Ash Conveyor Lines Main Geological Preliminary Assessment of the Land Survey
Yalnızardıç Dam(Berat) and HPP Project Geological Evaluation
Darıca I Hydropower Plant, Power Plant Cut Slopes Slope Stability Imp. Project
Akköy HPP Tunnel and Dam Powerhouse Building Cut Slopes Anchorage Project
Ayamama River Sheetpile Retaining Wall Project
Mujib and Southern Ghors Irrigation Project- Geotechnical Site Investigation and Pile Load Tests
Hendek – Sakarya Kazımiye Village Landslide Prevention Project (Natural Gas Distribution Project)
Samsun 200 MW Mobil Power Plant
Bartın 100 MW Mobil Power Plant