Slope Stability Analysis

2D limit equilibrium analyses are performed to evaluate the safety factor of circular or non-circular failure surfaces on soil or rock slopes and then the appropriate project design is provided.

Settlement Analysis

Sudden settlement as well as consolidation settlement analyses are performed under foundations and embankments.

Liquefaction Investigations

The liquefaction risk of water-saturated non-cohesive or low-cohesive soils under the influence of earthquakes is evaluated.

Kinematic Analysis

The kinematic analysis method is a practical method used before starting detailed analyses in order to distinguish between stable and unstable slopes in rock masses where stability is controlled by discontinuity systems.

Soil Improvement and Reinforcement

Soil improvement and reinforcement applications aim to make the soil-structure interaction safe by improving the soil properties in cases where the engineering properties of the soil are not sufficient for the planned structure. Applications such as stone columns, concrete girths, deep mixing, injection, jet-grouting are some of these methods.

Foundation Systems

Foundations are the elements that transfer the superstructure loads to the ground. As a result of geotechnical evaluations, and by taking into consideration of the structure deformation limit criterion, shallow or deep foundation design is performed.

Landslide Solutions

In the investigation and design of the stability of the slopes, the geological and hydrogeological conditions and the mechanical properties and behavior of the material are determined and analytical, kinematic and numerical methods are used in the solutions. Analytical, kinematic and numerical methods are used in the study and design of the stability of slopes. Geological and hydrogeological conditions, mechanical properties and behaviour of the material are determined to develop proper solutions.


They are statistical analyses performed for the evaluation of slopes at risk of rockfall.

Deep Excavation 

In addition to the geological characteristics of the ground, other factors such as the open period of the excavation and the proximity to residential areas are also evaluated when designing retaining systems for deep excavations. Soil-structure interaction calculations are performed with 2D finite element or analytical methods.

Coastal Structures

Sea walls and coastline structures are usually built to protect the infrastructure of cities, roads, highways, railways and industrial structures from the sea.

HPP and Dam Structures

In dam structures, the front of the stream is closed with a “dam” structure and a reservoir is created behind the dam. HPPs, on the other hand, do not have accumulative structures as in dams

Open and Closed Mining Works

In open and closed mining areas, assessments are made on many issues such as geophysical measurements and mine orientation determinations, as well as stability assessments of mine site slopes, hydrological studies, kinematic analyses, general slopes and bench slopes.