Geotechnical Instrumentation
We provide services in landslide solutions, settlement analysis, weak ground detection, archaeological and geological surveys, and underwater surveys in ASTM standards with our widespread and proven equipment throughout the world. . .
Geotechnical Control Tests
We provide service with control tests on soil nails or bolts, static pile loading tests on bored piles or deep soil mixing columns (DSM) and pile integrity tests.

The Cone Penetration Test with water pressure measurements (CPTu) is performed by pushing a conical tip with a diameter of 35 mm, an angle of 60° and a projection area of 10 cm2 to the ground at a speed of 2 cm/sec with a hydraulic power of up to 20 tons (200 kN).

Inclinometer measurements are intensively used for the purpose of observing and detecting deformations and slope movements that may occur in the environment during and after the construction of engineering structures.

It is a method used to measure the settlement or swelling of embankment or foundation soils.

The pressuremeter test is a field test in which the load/deformation parameters of the soil are determined.

The top of the pile is hit with a light plastic hammer and the reflected wave is recorded with a suitable computerized equipment. From the resulting signal or reflectogram, both the length and continuity of the pile can be determined.

This test equipment is used for checking the anchoring performance on site.

DCP is a very useful device due to its simple working principle, economical, low maintenance, easy to carry and allowing repeated measurements in the field.

Pile loading tests intent to check on site the design bearing capacity and load-settlement behaviour of deep foundations as jet grout columns, bored piles and driven piles and to check the accuracy of the designs made.

Concrete Test Hammer (Schmidt Hammer) It is used to measure the compressive strength properties of N type hardened concrete with non-destructive method, to determine the general quality of the concrete and its weak points.

The purpose of ERT measurements is to reveal subsurface geological structure, determine the layer thickness, groundwater level, loose soil, cracked structures and to detect faults that may generate these discontinuities in order to establish a geological-geophysical model.

The geological structure of the underground, its hydro physiological properties, depth and characteristics of the bedrock can be studied in detail. The cavities located under the ground, the level of water under the ground, and the corrosion properties of the soil can also be determined in the most detailed way with this method.

Georadar is used in the detection of underground anomaly mass, determination of bedrock depth, mapping of karst areas, investigation and mapping of landslide surfaces, wall and floor surveys, and in tunnel surveys.

It is used in dam body damage detection, dam potential leak detection, harbour embankment base inspection, archaeological investigations and various underwater surveys.

It provides important evidence in determining the nature and extent of any problem, as well as the condition of the well or borehole. In drilling works, the drilling camera is lowered and it is of great importance in determining the cracks and karstic spaces in the well. It provides important evidence in determining the condition of the well or borehole, as well as the nature and extent of any problems. It is of great importance in determining the cracks and karst cavities in the well by inserting the drilling camera during the drilling operations.

Reinforcement screening test is a test method that detects the diameter and frequency of reinforcement bars used in load-bearing elements such as columns and beams of buildings. The test is very quick and without any breaking process.

The motorized automatic hand auger is preferred for short survey studies where the drilling machine cannot enter. It reaches a depth of 3 m. It is preferred on suitable grounds. Motorized automatic hand auger machine is preferred in short-term surveying studies where drilling machine cannot enter. It reaches a depth of up to 3 m.

Pocket Penetrometer is used for the determination of uniaxial compressive strength in the field classification of cohesive soils in terms of shear strength, density and approximate unconfined compressive strength.

Basically, displacement values are recorded by stretching a steel-tape device coupled with a digital comparator between anchored anchors.

The geologist hammer; It is used in soil and rock investigations. Compass; It is used for discontinuity measurements in rocks. Megalan GPS; It is used for elevation and coordinate determination. Laser meter; it is also used for precise distance measurement and deformation detection.